Thursday, June 30, 2005

PGNET 2005

Well I did my first presentation on Tuesday, it was a good experience a few questions were asked about my work that got me thinking which is good. I was glad there weren't too many people in my session which helped the nerves a bit! The paper i presented can be found on my publications page.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Grad Beer Festival

Well the graduate bar beer festival starts tomorrow so its going to be a pretty heavy weekend, cant wait. House survey is in the process of being done, hooray, see what happens there, hopefully all will go well and I will have a house soon! Well the 50 odd beers plus the ciders should keep me busy for the next few days so see how the weekend goes, lots of beer and lots of BBQ food, good stuff!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Keswick Beer Festival

Went to the Keswick Beer Festival once again on Friday night, there were nearly 200 beers and ciders to try, some old favourites along with some weird and wonderful choices (such as the green bitter!). All this accompanied by some good live music and a fantastic atmosphere, I would highly recommend that anyone that likes their beer checks it out next year but get your tickets early they sell out fast!